Here it is! The preview for the Experiement #2 DVD!
Coming this winter

For those of you who couldn't see it, here is a tantalizing preview. For those of you who were there... be prepared for the DVD which is currently in editing.



So yeah, we've got it now! Here is the Experiment #1 video.

we will expand this section in the future but for now be content with this. Also coming soon to googlevideo and youtube!


Get the Flash Player to see this player.

A DVD copy of Experiment #1 is currently avaliable (with badss menus).
Contact site admin for more info.


And we've got fresh photos from our benefit concert on 2/25 at the Wildflower Cafe in Bethlehem!

Walsh/Berger from KEF, getting us started off early right!
The amazing Gelsie Bell plays a honky tonk piano. See Gelsie in our band for Experiment #2 !!

The Offtah Experience ride a steam powered airplane. Jason and Loly (right) are also in our house band!

Esme closes the show. Thanks to everyone that was there!!!


Now there are stickers! With a new logo thingy!
To get one for free just ask.


We are also starting to expand this section to include all sorts of bits and pieces of Experiment #1.

Experiment #1 Poster

A Detailed View of the Magic Knife (Which Cuts Through the Fabric of Space-Time) from
Experiment #1

Experiment #2 Audition Flyer


Oh and here's another link to the Experiment #2 Script


You can view our Business Plan here


I'm sure I can dig up other media to add, but the important stuff is up. It will be more organized as it grows.